Set „Green Hills“ (3/4)
The Green Hills of Tyrol
When The Battle’s O’er
Set „Scotland“ (4/4)
Scotland The Brave
The Rowan Tree
Slow Air
Amazing Grace
Highland Cathedral
Bells of Dunblane
Flower of Scotland
Mull of Kintyre
The Skye Boat Song
Set „Cock of the North“ (6/8)
The Cock of the North
Farewell to the Creeks
Set „Gairloch“
High Road to Gairloch
Bells of Dunblane
Farewell to Camraw
Itchy Fingers
Map-Set 1
Campbell’s Farewell to Redcastle
The 72nd Highlanders Farewell to Aberdeen
Sweet Maid of Glendaruel
Map-Set 2
Capain Norman Orr Ewing
Men of Argyll
The 51st Highland Division at Wadi Akarit
I’ll Gang Nae Mair Tae Yon Toon
Set „LC March“
The Cockney Jocks
Bonnie Lass of Fyvie
Set „Auld Lang Syne“
Auld Lang Syne
We’re no aw tae bide awa
Set „Jolly Beggarman“ (Hornpipe / Jig)
The Jolly Beggarman
The Fittie Boatman
Set „MSR“
Donald MacLean’s Farewell to Oban
Seonaidh’s Tune
The High Road to Linton
Set „Willi Ross“ (2/4)
P/M William Ross’s Farewell to 2nd Batt Scot’s Guards
MacKay’s Farewell to the 74th